Welcome to my retro website! Party like it's 1999!

2/22/25 More reviews have been added, including links that I forgot to add to the Reviews menu page back when I uploaded them. Oopsie.

2/12/25 I've added more patterns, and a couple blinkies showing my nostalgia for early Apple computers.

1/18/25 I wrote an open letter to the world's richest man.

1/6/25 Happy New Year! I've added reviews for blind-box BJDs, and in the essay section is a new PDF guide to Animal Crossing for newbies.

12/18/24 It's been a while, hasn't it? I've added a crochet top to both my Smart Doll page, and the Essays section. Feel free to make it yourself! I've also pruned my links page, getting rid of sites that no longer work.

6/1/24 Yet another section added to the website! Patterns for embroidery or sewing will show up there.

2/13/24 I haven't forgotten about this place! I've just been really busy lately. Updated my sticker sheet, so if you're in the Sticker Sheet Club, feel free to grab some!

Transmasculine Pride Webring

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The vast majority of this website is rated Web-14 and may have content that is not appropriate for young children.