My Essays

Where I state my opinions about things. As of May 2022, most of this stuff has been copied over from where I originally posted it on other sites.

About Antis (CW: mentions CSA and pornography)

Asking Is Hard (About consent.)

Bess Can't Go There (CW: pornography mention)

About Cable TV

How Tax Brackets Work (the last table is kinda broken--copy/paste it into Word or another similar program and you should be able to read it just fine)

Why I'm No Longer Catholic (I may be a bit bitter)

On Self-Reliance

How To De-Stain Nendoroid Dolls

The One About Abortion (Also featuring pictures of ice cream)

Spirograph (CW: rude images)

Reflections of Sailor Moon (Does this count as a mini-shrine?)

Transgender Facts

Adventures in Doll Sewing: Making an Action Figure Trenchcoat

Being A Trans Ally

21 Things A First-Year Teacher Should Know (Technically a list, but hey.)

Rocky Horror Picture Show (Because representation matters, even when it isn't "good" representation.)

The Reboot Ruined My Childhood! (And why it actually didn't)


BJD Sewing for Absolute Beginners

Thoughts on Owning a Packer (for transmascs)

Why Inside Out 2 Is Probably Going To Suck

Floofy Doll Skirt (A tutorial)

Dear Cis People (Thoughts on Trans Visibility Day)

To The Underage Teen Who Found My E-Rated Fanfiction (Now if only I could get them to read this essay instead...)

Adventures in Doll Sewing: Victorian Elegance Dress

Adventures in Doll Crochet: Acanthus Top

Animal Crossing Beginner's Guide(In PDF format for sharing)

An Open Letter To Elon Musk

My Animal Crossing Stuff

The Cloud

The vast majority of this website is rated Web-14 and may have content that is not appropriate for young children.